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Top Three Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer

At Hallier Stearns PLC, our experienced lawyers field wide-ranging questions from our clients every day. From the granularly focused questions to the “big picture” questions, our team is happy to answer every single one.

Over the years, we have noticed a few key questions that almost every client wants answered. Here are the top three questions you should ask your divorce lawyer.

  1. What is the best way to achieve my goals?

 Some of the most important questions you will ask a divorce lawyer occur at the initial consultation. You should know basic information about your attorney, such as, “How long have you been practicing divorce law,” and “What are your areas of expertise?”

But arguably, the most important question to ask your lawyer is how to best achieve your goals. This question will give you a key insight into the lawyer’s process and a road map for your case. A skilled lawyer will walk you through their expectations for each step of your divorce based on the information you provide.

  1. What should I be doing to help my case?

The family law attorney you choose will handle the legal aspects of your case, but that doesn’t mean you should just sit idly by and wait. Ask your lawyer what you can do to move your case forward.

Based on your specific circumstances, this can help you deal with issues like joint financial accounts or whether you should pay or receive temporary spousal maintenance/alimony. Asking this question will help you receive tailored advice to your specific circumstances, helping you protect yourself and minimize any risks you may not have otherwise considered.

  1. Are there any specific Arizona laws I should be aware of?

Every state implements their own set of laws and procedures that govern how a divorce proceeds, and Arizona is no different. Make sure your lawyer explains how Arizona law will apply to your case.

For example, it helps to know that Arizona is a community property state, which means that property or debt acquired during the marriage is presumed community property. Arizona law states that community property should be divided equitably upon dissolution. Understanding the distinction between separate property and community property and it impacts your case will also help to determine how to prepare for the next steps in your divorce.

Our team at Hallier Stearns PLC will happily answers these and any other questions you might have about family law. An informed client is one who is empowered to make knowledgeable decisions for their family’s best interests.

Contact us today for a legal consultation to get your questions answered by one of our trusted and compassionate Arizona family lawyers.

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